
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio Educational Event

Nov 20, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Leadership Council for Nonprofits is pleased to offer the following program in partnership with Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio.

Mental Health with respect to ADA & Pregnancy Related Accommodations

Join us to hear from the experts at Thompson Hine on important issues faced by nonprofit employers. This 1-hour session gives an overview of the latest legal developments, practical solutions, and a chance for you to ask your questions live.

Speaker: Michael Myers, Managing Associate, Thompson Hine LLP

Event Link:

Location: Live Zoom Webinar

Cost: $10.00/session

Scholarships are available upon request. Please contact Veronica at for scholarship information.

Registration: Please register in advance to receive the webinar viewing link. Registration will close on the Tuesday before each webinar session. The webinar viewing link will be emailed the day prior to each session.

Presented by: Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio and Thompson Hine LLP in partnership with Business Volunteers Unlimited, The Center for Nonprofit Resources, Leadership Council for Nonprofits, Miami Valley Nonprofit Collaborative, Nonprofits LEAD, and OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence.


Northern Kentucky BOLD Board Orientation + Leadership Development

Sep 24, 2024
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Click Here to Register

Leadership Council for Nonprofits will provide an accelerated version of its popular BOLD (Board 
Orientation + Leadership Development), designed especially for people who care about serving Northern Kentucky's nonprofit community. We will fast-track your knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit board members, review legal and ethical considerations, and hear real-world stories from nonprofits working in Northern Kentucky communities. We will work with participants following the session to help connect them to board and committee openings in our Northern Kentucky communities.

The session will be moderated by Jay Shatz, Emmy Award-winning reporter and anchor, whose veteran nonprofit board experience will guide you through the evening's presentation.

This program is made possible through the generous support of Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky.

IT Roundtable

Sep 20, 2024
8:30 am - 9:30 am

Topic: Required Skill level with AI: Beginner

Reduce your HR headaches around AI use! Join us at our IT roundtable to learn how to use AI for HR. You'll gain insights into effective AI utilization in candidate screening and other vital HR practices. Participate in real-world scenarios to refine your AI prompting skills and walk away with our 5-step Prompt Engineering Guide.

Click Here to Register

IT Roundtable

Nov 15, 2024
8:30 am - 9:30 am

Details Coming Soon!

Into the Woods: Leadership Challenge ® 3-day Experience

September 16, September 17, September 18
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Leadership Challenge

Click Here to Register

Nonprofit leadership matters, and now is the perfect time to invest in the staff that will continue to lead your nonprofit through these uncertain times. Due to the generosity of our facilitator Steve Coats and Wiley Publishing, we can offer this program to your emerging leaders at a price far below market rate.

Three things we know about The Leadership Challenge® that differentiates it:

1. Attendees leave this session better able to lead – immediately.

2. Research by Kouzes and Posner shows that leaders have a direct influence on the engagement levels of talent. The best leaders create the best workplaces.

3. People who more frequently use the leadership practices presented in the workshop produce higher results than those who use them less frequently.

Investing in growth opportunities for emerging nonprofit leaders is critical. Often at nonprofits there may not be an opportunity for “climbing the ladder” in new positions, but there is always an opportunity to develop within a role. This can come in the form of learning best practices like the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.

The Leadership Challenge® includes a 360-degree assessment, the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), which is a simple, 30-question inventory. The feedback it provides is very understandable and usable. It provides people with a solid roadmap for change.

This is a great program for a few team members to participate in so they can bring the learning back to your organization as a team. Studies show that leadership development helps with employee experience and retention.

We encourage you to respond promptly as the program is limited to 24 participants and a max of 3 people per organization.

Search Inside Yourself: An Emotional Intelligence Workshop - 10/28-30/24

October 28, October 29, October 30
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Click Here for More Information & to Register

Originally developed at Google, the world-renowned Search Inside Yourself program teaches practical mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and leadership tools to unlock your full potential at work and in life. Navigating today's uncertainty and stress requires a new level of resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. Search Inside Yourself will help you develop critical skills to face today's complex environment and challenges that are sure to come.

Program Overview

Search Inside Yourself takes an evidence-based approach combining neuroscience, leadership, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. The program provides practical tools that can be applied immediately at work and in your personal life. We start with a foundation of mindfulness, and build the core emotional intelligence domains that lead to outstanding leadership:

  • Mindfulness
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-management
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Leadership

Search Inside Yourself is presented for Leadership Council by Patrice Borders and Jerry Neusell, who offer a substantial portion of the program pro bono to support the work of nonprofits, allowing us to offer it for a fraction of the cost offered elsewhere.

Only 50 spots available – don’t miss the opportunity to attend this transformational experience, right from your computer.

For more details about Search Inside Yourself, see

HR Challenges & Solutions

Oct 15, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am

In our continuing effort to provide you with solutions to workforce challenges, we are presenting a panel discussion in collaboration with Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News. Publisher Jane Page-Steiner will moderate a discussion among panelists of strategies they use to retain and develop nonprofit employees.

Click Here to Register


Master Calendar

Leaders Circles Now Forming for 2021-2022 - Deadline to Apply 7/30

Click Here for More Information & to Apply

Leadership Development in a safe, supportive, confidential space
Have you ever wished you had a trusted group of nonprofit peers to coach, encourage, validate, challenge, support and hold you accountable as you grow as a leader? Then consider the Leaders Circle program. In 2020/21 almost 150 people participated in 16 different leaders circle and shared that this program was a lifesaver that helped them navigate through COVID-19 challenges and changes, and build a bright future.
Program Overview
  • Monthly meetings (about 2 hours) September through May
  • 6-10 nonprofit executives (matched by role/experience/org size) for each circle + a skilled facilitator
  • Participants commit to meeting real-time challenges and offering real-life solutions through their real-life experiences 
  • Meetings are confidential, supportive, and create a cycle of learning, sharing, achieving & accountability
*First and last meeting in-person and virtual otherwise
Circle Member Expectations
  • Show up - commit to your circle colleagues by making your meetings a priority on your calendar
  • Speak up - ask powerful questions to help members find their own insight
  • Grow up - be prepared to hold yourself and each other accountable for your learning and actions
  • Develop trusted and expanded network of peers
  • Professional and personal growth
  • Expanded resources discovered
  • Safe environment leads to openness, vulnerability and growth
Circles available: (must have primary decision-making responsibilities)
  • Executive Director/President/CEO
  • CFO/COO/VP or equivalent 
  • CDO, Development Director or equivalent
  • CHRO or equivalent
  • CMO, MARCOM Director or equivalent
  • Community Relations Director
  • Program Director 
Join a Leaders Circle Now! Click HERE to complete your application and be matched in a Leaders Circle.
Note: Your organization must be a member of Leadership Council in order to participate in a Leaders Circle. 
Contact administration@leadershipcouncil if you have any questions.
Please forward to others in your organization who might also benefit from a circle.
Deadline to Submit Your Application - July 30, 2021

Advancing Black-Led Nonprofits | A New Program Exclusively for Leadership Council Members

program information
We are happy to announce our new program for advancing the cause of equity for our Black-led members.  Leadership Council is joining with Flywheel Social Enterprise Hub to conduct “Advancing Black-Led Nonprofits.”  To request a workshop, submit your information here.
Who is Flywheel?
Flywheel Social Enterprise Hub - is a long-established leader focused on supporting nonprofits and social ventures to grow and prosper. Flywheel provides coaching, consulting, and educational services to address strategic and operational challenges. Flywheel’s all-volunteer coaches are experienced working as advocates and allies of diverse organizational leaders in Flywheel programs such as Elevate Equity.  
What is this new service for Leadership Council’s Black-Led members?
Flywheel will provide pro bono advisory services utilizing their coaches who have decades of leadership experience in the nonprofit and for-profit worlds.  These coaches will be made available to individual, Black-led organizations to address a particularly thorny operational challenge of your choice.  The coaches will share strategies, skills, and connections to assist you in addressing your challenge and furthering your social mission. Specifically, Flywheel will provide: 
  • A 1-on-1 brainstorming workshop (1.5 hour duration) for each of the first six member organizations who request them.
  • Workshops will be made available through May 2022 and scheduled at the leader’s and Flywheel’s mutual convenience.
  • Organization may have up to three C-level participants.
  • Flywheel will select relevant coaches to participate based on the challenge the organization wishes to address.
  • Following the workshop, Flywheel will provide a one-page summary of findings.

To request a workshop, submit your information here.



Securing the Future Conference

2024-2025 Leaders Circles

Click Here for More Information & to Apply

Leadership development in a safe, supportive, confidential space
Have you ever wished you had a trusted group of nonprofit peers to coach, encourage, validate, challenge, support, and hold you accountable as you grow as a leader? Then consider the Leaders Circles program. In 2023-24 150+ people participated in 18 different Leaders Circles and shared that this program was one of their best sources of support and professional development.
Program Overview
  • Monthly meetings (90-120 minutes) September through May
  • 6-10 nonprofit executives (matched by role/experience/org size) for each circle + a skilled facilitator
  • Participants commit to meeting real-time challenges and offering real-life solutions through their shared experiences
  • Meetings are confidential, supportive, and create a cycle of learning, sharing, achieving and accountability
  • Meeting times and locations are chosen mutually by Circle members and their facilitator
Circle Member Expectations
  • Show up - commit to your circle colleagues by making your meetings a priority on your calendar
  • Speak up - ask powerful questions to help members find their own insight
  • Grow up - be prepared to hold yourself and each other accountable for your learning and actions
  • Develop a trusted and expanded network of peers
  • Professional and personal growth
  • Expanded resources discovered
  • Safe environment leads to openness, vulnerability and growth
Circles available:
  • Executive Director/President/CEO
  • CFO or equivalent
  • COO, VP of Operations, or equivalent
  • CDO, Development Director, or equivalent
  • CHRO, Human Resource Director or equivalent
  • CMO, Communications/Marketing Director, or equivalent
  • Volunteer Manager or Coordinator
  • IT Director or equivalent
  • Program Director/Manager
  • New Professionals (new to the workforce, regardless of role)
Join a Leaders Circle Now!
Note: Your organization must be a current nonprofit member of Leadership Council for your registration to be processed. Please verify internally or send a message to to check your status.
Please forward to team members and colleagues who might also benefit from a circle.