Member Resources

We are working with Assured Partners to offer an affinity health plan option to nonprofits. This is a self-funded plan with added stop-loss coverage. As a self-funded plan, it is not bound by Affordable Care Act rules and so health histories may be required and not all agencies may qualify. We are working with Assured Partners to provide coverage for agencies with 5 or more participating staff members. A backup option is an ICHRA (Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement) which is an agency-funded health benefit. With an ICHRA, agencies determine a set budget to reimburse their employees for health insurance (pre-tax), and employees buy the plan that works best for them.  

We have worked diligently to respond to requests for help in this area. OneSource Center and Leadership Council are working together to offer this affordable health care option to our members. Health insurance is a complicated area which our partners at Assured Partners can more fully explain. Learn more about the Fortress Plans Program Overview or contact Nick Beatty, Vice President of Employee Benefits, for more information.