Introducing "A Force for Good"
We are pleased to launch “A Force for Good,” combining existing and new programming to position the nonprofit sector as a career of choice for jobseekers at all levels.
A natural complement to longstanding Leadership Council programming, A Force for Good has 3 focus areas:
1. Nonprofit HR Practice (including recruitment/retention, culture, and compensation)
2. Career Pathway Education (at all levels of educational attainment)
3. Advocacy and Public Relations (positioning the sector as an economic force and career of choice)
Our first foray is the launch today of a partnership with Soapbox Media, who has created a special series that will address the nonprofit workforce gap in career awareness, readiness, and training, along with ways to implement best practices in recruitment, compensation, career pathways, workplace culture, and public awareness. This series will provide an opportunity to hear from people working to improve our community through nonprofit sector jobs and careers, while offering more insight into possible solutions.
Check out the first story in the Soapbox series and a new resource page on our website!
Thanks to our seed-stage investors!
These companies and foundations have invested in launching our expanded programming to address nonprofit workforce issues. To help scale this work, reach out!
Clark Schaefer Hackett Strategic HR - check out HR Question of the Week!
Generous Private Foundation
Social Venture Partners Project XLR8