
group of nonprofit leaders in training

Support all the nonprofits you care about - all at once!

Yes, we're a nonprofit too! While a generous portion of our revenue comes from membership dues and program registrations, those very costs are paid by our nonprofits, who often have limited resources for just the kind of leadership and development programs we offer. 

Your gift support Greater Cincinnati nonprofits' access to high-quality leadership development programs, membership benefits, cost savings programs, and connections to other important resources.

Our network, with 220+ nonprofit members, represents more than 14,000 employees, and provides an economic impact of over $1.5 billion in our community, plus many more organizations which take advantage of programs open to anyone. Your contribution helps minimize the cost of this support system for nonprofits across the spectrum of community needs, from animal care, to disability inclusion, to children and families, to mental health and addiction, to recreation and conservation, to senior care, and so much more!

If you are interested in other ways to support the region's nonprofit economy beyond clicking the button, please contact our Executive Director. You can also check out our Sponsorship information if you are a company or foundation.
Our federal tax ID number is 51-0428018. You can also invest in our work via donor advised fund, charitable IRA rollover, planned gift, or any other vehicle that fits your personal financial plan.

2023-24 Individual Supporters

Mike Baker

Beth and Jay Benson

Jenny and Jim Berg Fund +

Peter Bloch

Catrena Bowman

Meghan Cummings

Rob Festenstein

Megan (Fischer) Milstead

Vanessa Freytag

Colleen Houston

David Iyoha

Chara Fisher Jackson

Thuy Kolik

Mark Lawson

June Miller

Benjamin N. Reiter Fund +

Elsa M. Reiter Fund +

Kristin Smith Shrimplin

Turner/Winget Family Fund +

Bralynda Watkins

Kim Webb

Kent Wellington

+ Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation
