
Search Inside Yourself: An Emotional Intelligence Workshop - 10/28-30/24

October 28, October 29, October 30
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Click Here for More Information & to Register

Originally developed at Google, the world-renowned Search Inside Yourself program teaches practical mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and leadership tools to unlock your full potential at work and in life. Navigating today's uncertainty and stress requires a new level of resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. Search Inside Yourself will help you develop critical skills to face today's complex environment and challenges that are sure to come.

Program Overview

Search Inside Yourself takes an evidence-based approach combining neuroscience, leadership, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. The program provides practical tools that can be applied immediately at work and in your personal life. We start with a foundation of mindfulness, and build the core emotional intelligence domains that lead to outstanding leadership:

  • Mindfulness
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-management
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Leadership

Search Inside Yourself is presented for Leadership Council by Patrice Borders and Jerry Neusell, who offer a substantial portion of the program pro bono to support the work of nonprofits, allowing us to offer it for a fraction of the cost offered elsewhere.

Only 50 spots available – don’t miss the opportunity to attend this transformational experience, right from your computer.

For more details about Search Inside Yourself, see