Current Members

Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
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The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation is an independent family foundation dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. We are concentrating our efforts and resources in areas about which Carol and Ralph were most passionate: Arts and Culture, Community Development, Education, and Human Services. All of our work is intended to have the greatest impact possible as we, in collaboration with our region’s stakeholders, help lead the way to a strong and vibrant community.

Junior League of Cincinnati
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The Junior League of Cincinnati is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
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The mission of the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati is to resolve serious legal problems of low-income people, to promote economic and family stability, and to reduce poverty through effective legal assistance.

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For every child in our community to have a safe, permanent and nurturing home.

Shelterhouse logo
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As a community of residents, staff and volunteers, we work together to provide basic human services for the men and women of the Greater Cincinnati area who are experiencing homelessness. Our primary commitment is to shelter – offering a place to stay for those in need now, and helping find and maintain a permanent place of residence for the future.

The Ion Center For Violence Prevention
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Every day we work to take the best care of people of all identities who have been impacted by power-based personal violence and to measurably reduce the number of people who have been hurt by it.

Valley Interfaith Community Resource Center
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Partnering with the community to provide necessary resources and build self-sustainability.

WHW logo
Women Helping Women
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Founded in 1973, Women Helping Women (WHW's) mission is to prevent gender-based violence and empower all survivors. Our vision is that we believe that a world without gender-based violence is possible, and that all members of our caring community can live in a world of equality, health and vitality. WHW serves a four county region of Hamilton, Butler, Brown and Adams Counties.